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...from the bottom of our hearts


We wanted to take a moment to thank every one of you for your overwhelming support as we launch this venture. We were blown away by the amount of positive affirmations, post shares, and congratulatory texts, emails and phone calls we've received over the past few days. Our steps have been calculative and our progress steady, and now more than ever we're prepared to charge ahead into entrepreneurship knowing we have the support of so many friends, family and colleagues. This sincere thank you isn't from the new Studio 11 Eleven. Its from three girls that you've all known many years. The three girls you may have had sit on your lap as a child, sat next to in art history class, or went to happy hour after the office closed with... the three girls that have morphed into young women who decided to turn their life's passions into profit. We appreciate the support from all of you more than you know. We vow to not disappoint.

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