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 to give some mental ease 


You  may have an event soon underway or in the very beginning stages of planning, but you want professional advice to perhaps see what  our experiences have been when it comes to your areas of concern... you may  need assistance in solidifying your concept of finding ways to push your theme throughout your event... perhaps you need suggestions for your last few vendors... you may even need the more creative assistance beyond the bounds of what your venue assigned day of planner will  provide

In these instances consulting may be all you need. With consulting, we'll spend some time with you discussing your event  in depth as well as  your concerns and needs. In return we will meet with you to hand over your post consult package and discuss potential solutions, provide you with some creative insight  and our suggestions on ways to amp up your event.

Our consulting is meant  to answer your questions from an experienced perspective as well as provide you with conventional and unconventional suggestions to make your event seamless and enjoyable, for both you and your guests.

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